Journaling and Mixed Media Mischief with Ailie Snow

Journaling and Mixed Media Mischief with Ailie Snow


Date: Sunday 21st and Sunday 28th July

Time: 10 am- 3 pm

Ailie is a renowned Textile Artist having exhibited her work and taught in many places around the world. She is passionate about making creative journals and loves sharing her techniques and tips on how she makes them. The journals can be made as a special memento for a loved one or a gift to honour a special occasion.

This workshop will take you through the process of using Ailies journaling style with mixed media. The first session will show you how to use these techniques. You will then go home and prepare your pages ready for the second session of this workshop where you will learn how to bind your book together to create something truly special.

Start collecting: Any images, colours, textures, patterns, or words, that appeal to you. Old magazines are good

Papers:- tissue, wrapping, handmade, cellophane, translucent stuff, envelopes, old

calendars, metallic or foils, (choc wrappers !) for use in collage. Also, any paper you want to

use as special pages.

old books to cut up for text withdrawn library sales can be a good source

Photos:- photocopy these, black and white, or colour. ( fun to have some of yourself,

including as a child )

Significant messages:- quotes, letters, cards, books, journals. ( again photocopies are best,

unless you’re prepared to sacrifice the originals )

Threads:- fairly fine, for tying, wrapping, stitching. Needles to fit your threads.

Found objects:- feathers, leaves, flowers,(pressed), memorabilia.

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You will need all your usual tools of the trade, including :

pencil, ruler, pointy scissors, any pens you like ( I use fine fibre tip pens, in different colours )

a glue stick ( Please buy a good brand, the cheap ones can be a disaster, avoid Bostik )

coloured pencils, paints, brushes, whatever you like to use, water jar

Also : junk paper for under messy work, wiping cloth, hand towel

sellotape, and maybe coloured washi tape

If you have them : rubber stamps, stamp pads, stickers, stencils, stencil brush

The paper you like to work on : variety is good, scraps are fine

If you want to make this stuff into a book later, keep that in mind, think about size and folding

Paper needs to be more than just photo copy paper, so maybe 120 to 160 gsm